It is vital for all schools and settings to have a shared understanding of bullying.
This will benefit whole school community including all school staff, children and young people and their parents and ensure that bullying is not mis-identified and is spotted when it does happen. It is also important to understand that bullying is a group behaviour that involves a power imbalance. No longer do we understand bullying as a bully/victim role. It instead includes many individuals and understanding key character traits of these individuals will help when preventing and responding to bullying incidents.
We have lots of resources to help you to work together to understand bullying.

For school staff and other children's workforce staff:
Our online training for professionals has a module (module 1) on the definition of bullying. Take a look!
In the resources section below you will see a 1 hour training session which you can use for staff and children to understand bullying and the roles involved in bullying. This sessions discusses:
- The definition of bullying
- The difference between relational conflict and bullying
- Bullying as a group behaviour
For children and young:
We have developed a resource for key stage 2 pupils and above about bullying called 'the incident at the school gate'.
For Anti-Bullying Week 2015 we created lesson and assembly plans cover the definition of bullying for both primary and secondary schools. You can find them in the tools and research section below.
For parents and carers:
The Anti-Bullying Alliance has a section on our Parent Information Tool to help parents understand bullying and what it is. You can find the tool here.
It might be a good idea to send information about this free portal home to your parents in your school so they are aware of this resource. You can do this via the flyer in the tools and research section.