The Children and Families Act 2014 requires a Local Authority to produce a Local Offer that sets out what parent carers and children and young people with SEND can expect in their local area.

Image of someone holding a phone
Within the SEND Code of Practice, it also confirms that the "Local Offer" must demonstrate the arrangements schools in their local area have in place for:
Supporting the emotional mental and social development of disabled children and young people and those with SEN (this should include extra pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of pupils and students with SEN and measure to prevent bullying)
June 2014 s4.32
All local schools are required to provide a range of information for parent carers and children and young people to demonstrate how they meet the needs of disabled children and those with special educational needs. You can find a briefing written by ABA and the Council for Disabled Children about the Children and Families Act 2014 and the anti-bullying duties in the attachments section of this page. Contact and the National Network of Parent Carer Forums, as part of the ABA All Together programme, have written a document which gives some guidance about bullying and the local offer.