Here you will find guidance, that is relevant in relation to bullying, for schools in Northern Ireland.
Relevant guidance for schools in Northern Ireland:
Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education - GOV.UK (
Curriculum Mapping for Primary Schools in Northern Ireland
Foundation Stage
Express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings
Key Stage 1
explore a range of cultural and human issues in a safe environment by participating in dramatic activity and sharing ideas with others
Key Stage 2
explore a range of cultural and human issues in a safe environment by using drama to begin to explore their own and others’ feelings about issues, and by negotiating situations both in and out of role
The World Around Us
All Stages
Be aware of different lifestyles
Understand the need to respect and care for themselves, other people, plants, animals and the environment
Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
Foundation Stage
Feelings and Emotions
Knowing what to do if they feel sad, lonely, afraid or angry and when it is important to tell others about their feelings, for example, when someone is making them anxious or unhappy they should talk to a safe adult
Realising what makes their friends feel happy or sad, for example, when they do not share with others
Recognising how other people feel when they are happy, sad, angry, lonely, for example, observing their facial expressions, behaviour, listening to them.
Health and Safety
Exploring appropriate personal safety strategies and identifying situations that are safe, and those where personal safety may be at risk, for example, knowing own name and address, knowing who to seek help from, knowing when to say ’yes’ or ’no’ to friends or adults
Relationships with Families
Beginning to recognise how they relate to adults and other children, for example, by building friendships, learning to co-operate, share and take turns, by taking the lead and by knowing when to ask for help
Relationships in School and the Community
Realising why it is necessary to have rules in the classroom and the school, for example, to ensure that everyone is treated equally and fairly, for safety
Developing a sense of what is fair
Beginning to take responsibility for what they say and do
Beginning to recognise similarities and differences in families and the wider community, for example, gender, race, disability, ethnic/cultural background
Understanding that everyone is of equal worth and that it is acceptable to be different
Raising awareness of their attitudes to others in the school community
Key Stage 1
Beginning to recognise, name and manage their own feelings and emotions and that they are a natural, important and healthy part of a human being
Beginning to recognise and manage the effects of strong feelings such as anger, sadness or loss
Keeping Safe
Knowing what to do or from whom to seek help when feeling unsafe
Being aware of different forms of bullying and developing personal strategies to resist unwanted behaviour
Developing simple safety rules and strategies to protect themselves from potentially dangerous situations
Relationships with Families and Friends
Knowing how to be a good friend
Understanding that they can take on some responsibility in their family and friendship groups
Relationships at School
Being aware of how the school community interacts; how they listen and respond to each other and how they treat each other
Being aware of who and what influences their views and feelings and behaviour at school
Beginning to understand why and how rules are made in class, in the playground and at school
Identifying ways in which conflict may arise at school and exploring ways in which it could be lessened, avoided or resolved
Relationships in the Community
Appreciating ways we are similar and different, for example, age, culture, disability, gender, hobbies, race, religion, sporting interests, abilities and work
Recognising and valuing the culture and traditions of one other group who shares their community
Discussing the causes of conflict in their community, and how they feel about it
Being aware of the diversity of people around the world
Understanding how their environment could be made better or worse to live in and what contribution they can make.
Key Stage 2
Knowing how to confidently express their own views and opinions in unfamiliar circumstances
Facing problems, trying to resolve and learn from them
Examining and exploring their own and others’ feelings and emotions
Knowing how to recognise, express and manage feelings in a positive and safe way; recognising that feelings and emotions change at times of change and loss
Keeping Safe
Developing strategies to resist unwanted peer/sibling pressure and behaviour
Recognising, discussing and understanding the nature of bullying and the harm that can result
Developing a pro-active and responsible approach to safety, for example, at home, near water, on the internet, watching television, in school
Knowing where, when and how to seek help
Relationships with Family, Friends and at school
Exploring and examining what influences their views, feelings and behaviour
Understanding the need for rules and that they are necessary for harmony at home and at school
Exploring and examining the rules within their families, friendship groups and at school
Considering the challenges and issues that can arise at home, at school between friends and how they can be avoided, lessened, or resolved
Examining ways in which conflict can be caused by words, gestures, symbols or actions
Relationships in the Community
knowing about aspects of their cultural heritage, including the diversity of cultures that contribute to Northern Ireland
Acknowledging that people differ in what they believe is right or wrong
Recognising that people have different beliefs which shape the way they live
Understanding that rules are essential in an ordered community and the need for different rules in different contexts
Examining the effects of anti-social behaviour, for example, bullying and racism
Appreciating how and why rules and laws are created and implemented. Relationships with the Wider World
Developing an awareness of the experiences, lives and cultures of people in the wider world
Recognising the similarities and differences between cultures, for example, food, clothes, symbols, celebrations
Understanding that differences and similarities between people arise from a number of factors including cultural, ethnic/racial and religious diversity, gender and disability
Appreciating the range of cultures and traditions in other countries;
Recognising how injustice and inequality affect people’s lives
Curriculum mapping for Post Primary schools in Northern Ireland
Information Technology
Pupils should demonstrate, when and where appropriate, knowledge and understanding of e-safety including acceptable online behaviour.
Learning for Life and Work
Exploring Diversity and Inclusion provides opportunities to consider the range and extent of diversity in societies locally and globally and to identify the challenges and opportunities which diversity and inclusion present in local, national, European and global contexts.
Relationships and Sexuality Education
Internet Safety
Recognise harmful online behaviour, abuse and exploitation, develop strategies and skills for personal safety and know how to report harmful behaviour and/or get help
Understand online bullying on social media and its forms, and how it differs from offline bullying
Define the terms cyberbullying, sexting, trolling, harassment and stalking
Explore the different ways to develop self-esteem, for example enhanced self-awareness, sense of security and self-worth, setting achievable targets, developing resilience, new interests, and skills, learning to recognise achievement, etc
Personal Safety
Develop strategies to promote personal safety, for example responding appropriately to different forms of bullying, abuse, physical violence; developing safe practice in relation to the internet, getting home; understanding and managing risk, the place of rules and boundaries, etc.
know where to seek help if experiencing any form of abuse, harassment or bullying
Explore the qualities of relationships including friendship, for example conditions for healthy relationships, types of relationships, healthy boundaries, gender issues in relationships, etc.
Healthy Relationships
Develop skills and strategies to avoid and resolve conflict, for example active listening, assertiveness, negotiation and mediation
Understand and respect the need for tolerance and acceptance towards various lifestyles, attitudes and values, and acknowledge the unacceptability of prejudice
Understand that the way individuals think of themselves or describe themselves to others in terms of their gender is unique to them and should be respected
Recognise bullying, including homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying, cyberbullying etc., and their responsibilities, and develop coping strategies