Rating description:
Fully met: There is a school governor who actively leads on anti-bullying. Anti-bullying is regularly monitored and reported on within meetings.
Partially met: There is a school governor who leads on anti-bullying but they are not involved in anti-bullying practice in the school and / or anti-bullying is not regularly reported and monitored within meetings.
Not yet met: There is not a school governor who leads on anti-bullying.
- This person should be named in your school anti-bullying policy
- They should be known to the whole-school community including pupils, parents and all staff. This could be made known by an annual anti-bullying leaflet - perhaps coinciding with Anti-Bullying Week for example.
- They shouldn't be the only governor in school with anti-bullying knowledge but they should lead on the team's behalf
- Think about the links between the safeguarding lead governor and this governor
- They should do ABA's free online training
Resources and examples:
You can see tools and case studies in the attachments section below.
Schools who took part in our previous programme said:
The baseline audit helped us recognise areas for development instantly, such as appointing an Anti-Bullying governor. This was a really valuable action for us, as she has come into the school regularly to meet with the school council. She has had her lunch with the school council termly, attended assemblies and made them feel respected and valued.
The governor responsible for anti bullying is Chair of Governors and he is aware of the policies for anti bullying. During governor meetings, we always discuss any bullying incidents or racism encounters and how these were managed and dealt with.
Bullying is discussed at all governors' meetings and we now have a governor who leads on anti-bullying. They hold the school to account with respect to the number of bullying incidents reported, the action taken whenever bullying is reported, and the school's strategy/action planning to reduce bullying.
Widening Governors roles to specific actions of school improvement has been a great success. Governors are better informed, school is better supported and challenged and the wider community have another point of contact should they have any concerns.
Having a governor responsible for anti-bullying in the school should be one of the first actions undertaken for the successful implementation of the United Against Bullying initiative.