Rating description:
Fully met: We collect data about whether this group is more at-risk of being bullied / bullying others (or if this type of bullying is an issue in school), and this data shows us they are not more at-risk than their peers (or the type of bullying isn’t a concern within school). We also actively work to prevent and respond to any bullying targeted at these pupils.
Partially met: We collect data about whether this group is more at-risk of being bullied / bullying others (or if this type of bullying is an issue in school), and this data highlights that this group is more at-risk (or this type of bullying is an issue in school), therefore we are actively working to prevent and respond to this type of bullying.
Not yet met: We do not collect data about whether this group is more at-risk of being bullied / bullying others (or if this type of bullying is an issue in school).
Race and faith-targeted bullying is bullying that is perceived by the victim or any other person to be racist or bullying that targets a person’s faith.
Under the The Equality Act 2010 the protected characteristic of race includes, colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins. It is also unlawful to discriminate against someone because of their religion or belief, or because of a lack of a religion or belief.
You can find out more via the Equality and Human Rights Commission guidance.
Below you will find links to information, tools and resources to help you tackle race and faith targeted bullying. We will also be adding more tools, resources and case studies from participating schools throughout the programme so do check back.
We will be asking you to submit supporting evidence of your work on this area in the final audit, along with sections 1-6.
ABA in collaboration with The UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) have created some Top Tips for Schools to help you formulate a whole-school strategy to prevent and respond to race and faith targeted bullying.
A great place to start is to have a listen to Anna Freud Centre and Black Learning Achievement (BLAM)'s podcast series about tackling racism and mental health at school.
It's important that your anti-bullying policy references the Equality Act 2010 and list the groups that have protected characteristics.
The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) - requires public bodies (including all schools) to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities. Under this duty, schools must challenge and prevent discriminatory language from being used in your school.
We recommend taking our CPD online training course on Bullying and Difference and Bullying and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people
Resources from ABA:
All about Racist and Faith-targeted bullying
Top tips for schools on tackling racist and faith-targeted bullying
Below you will also find examples and case studies from schools that have participated in our programmes and links to external resources.