We've developed free CPD-certified anti-bullying online training for anyone that works with children and young people.

The following online training courses are available:
- What is bullying?
- Bullying and the Law
- Preventing bullying
- Responding to bullying
- Cyberbullying (Online bullying)
- Bullying and Difference
- Bullying and SEN/disability
- Young Carers and Bullying
- Looked After Children and Bullying
- Bullying and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people
- Reducing Disablist Bullying: Disabilities, the Equality Act and Schools Duties
- Sexual and Sexist Bullying
- Mental Health and Bullying
- All Different, All Equal: Preventing and Responding to Appearance Targeted Bullying
- Banter or bullying? Navigating the line of acceptability
We also have an anti-bullying training course for school governors in Wales, available in both English and Welsh:
Anti-Bullying Training for Governors in Wales
Hyfforddiant gwrth-fwlio ar gyfer llywodraethwyr yng Nghymru
To see the full suite of courses, please visit the training catalogue here
New users can register for the e-learning platform here
Existing users can log in here
Please use our Technical Checker Tool to make sure you have the minimum requirements for the platform. We recommend using a PC/laptop rather than a mobile device to complete the training.
Please review our CPD Online Training User Guide and FAQ page before starting.
If you are experiencing any issues with the platform, please check our FAQ page in the first instance. Alternatively, please contact [email protected].