In 2017 and 2018 we held 'Stop Speak Support Day' during Anti-Bullying Week to raise the issue of bullying onine. The day was supported by The Royal Foundation and the Royal Cyberbullying Taskforce set up by he Duke of Cambridge.
Cyberbullying continues to be a significant issue for young people today:
- 1 in 5 teenagers in England have experienced cyberbullying in the last two months (reference)
- Children who have been cyberbullied are more likely to be depressed, anxious and lonely (reference)
Stop Speak Support
In Anti-Bullying Week 2017 the Royal Foundation Taskfroce on the Prevention of Cyberbullying, set up by the Duke of Cambridge, launched a campaign with young people called Stop Speak Support. It included a code of conduct for young people, a series of animations and supporting resources to try and positively change children's behaviour online.
In 2018, ABA was tasked by The Royal Foundation with taking the campaign forward and incorporating it into Anti-Bullying Week. We worked with young peopel to create:
- an online social media campaign to encourage young people to follow the Code and to ask them to Choose Respect online
- a short film (entirely written by young people)
- a pack for schools to help them celebrate Stop Speak Support day on the Thursday of Anti-Bullying Week
- tools for parents and carers
- links to many of the existing resources and tools that already exist from across the anti-bullying sector to help stop cyberbullying
The Royal Foundation Taskforce on the Prevention of Cyberbullying
The Royal Foundation Taskforce on the Prevention of Cyberbullying was established by the Duke of Cambridge to work with the technology industry to develop a series of commitments to help prevent the cyberbullying of children and young people, together with the guidance and expertise of charities, not-for-profit organisations and independent advisors. The Taskforce launched in May 2016 to develop an industry-wide response to the online bullying of young people. The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a member of the Taskforce along with other charity partners and industry including BBC, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, BT and Virgin Media.
Find out more about the Royal Cyberbullying Taskforce