Restorative Thinking Limited delivers training and consultancy to develop a restorative culture with Local Authorities, individual schools and clusters of schools.
We have also developed resources to support schools in developing a restorative education with pupils; there’s a downloadable information pack on the ‘Order’ page of our website:
Restorative Thinking Limited (RT) worked with six schools in Liverpool, 2015-2017, to implement whole school restorative practice. Each of the six schools identified a restorative practice guiding team to lead the pilot alongside the RT team. RT training and consultation with all six schools was needs-based and each school developed its own individual ‘road map’ for the two year pilot and beyond. This project was funded by the Families’ Strategic Group, Liverpool City Council.
This film shows how the pilot developed at the Academy of Saint Francis of Assisi, where SLT, teachers, support staff, pupils and parents worked alongside Restorative Thinking Limited to develop a whole school restorative approach. Restorative practice continues to strengthen day-to-day relationships and to support teaching and learning in addition to the school’s behaviour strategy.
These films are freely available for schools to use:
(Note: the outcomes below are from individual schools involved in the Liverpool pilot)
- Fixed Term Exclusion have reduced by 51% from the same time last year.
- Attendance is improving week by week and is currently 92.5% compared to 92.4% at the same time last year.
- Lates have decreased from 5.2% to 3.2%.
- After an initial spike in reporting of incidents racist and bullying incidents in Half Term 1, incidents have reduced between HT2 and HT3 by 50%. Student voice also reports that students feel more confident in speaking out and reporting all incidents as they are dealt with effectively.
- 89% of parents on parent view report that the school effectively deals with bullying and 94% say that their child/ren feel/s safe in school.
- Internal exclusion has been disbanded.
- PSHE unit of work planned and delivered.
- 83% of parents are aware (May 2017) that the school uses RP and would like to know more about restorative practice.
- Based on the adjusted numbers, days lost to absence have fallen by 7% compared to 2015/16 and 62% compared to 2014/15.
Student voice
Happier inside me and good and okay.
RP has helped me understand how my actions can affect my class mates and it has made me think about how I react in lessons and at break and lunch.
I have used my RP skills to help a student in year 7.
Staff voice
RP gives a greater focus on the pastoral needs of the child. It’s helped me to get to know the students better and builds up relationships between students and staff.
RP gives the children a sense of community and belonging. Most of the time it helps with solutions. Also the children know they have a voice to be heard.
It is essential that restorative thinking / practice is central to the ethos and running of the school. It will be reviewed and monitored continuously and will be an essential part of school improvement and behaviour development.
Parent voice
My pupil’s attitude towards school has drastically increased over the last year since XXX used RP with my son. I have also noticed an improvement at home with myself and husband. His attendance has also increased and although he still has some behaviour issues, the situation de-escalates a lot quicker after the training and guidance from XXX on RP. I intend to continue working with the school through the use of RP with my son whilst he is at XXX. I would recommend the use of RP with pupils with similar needs to my son.
Please visit the Restorative Thinking Limited website for more information on our work with schools and resources for schools:
Restorative Thinking: A Restorative Practices Interactive Toolkit Written by Teachers, for Teachers (KS1 and KS2)
ABA and Restorative Thinking have developed a new toolkit for primary school teachers that supports them to deliver restorative approaches with whole classes, small groups and individuals, and in turn equipping pupils with the skills and understanding to manage conflict. To order the pack visit the Restorative Thinking website.