Jennifer heads up the NASUWT teachers' Union equalities and training team, and has 20 years of experience in supporting schools on anti-bullying work.
I head up the NASUWT teachers’ Union equalities and training team which provides advice and support to teachers on all areas of equalities policies and teacher training. I have over 20 years experience of equalities at national and international levels and this includes supporting schools on anti-bullying work. I am honoured to have brought a perspective from the teaching profession to ensuring that children and young people are safe from bullying in school as a member of the ABA Advisory Board. I have specific expertise in addressing sexist, racist, faith-based, homophobic, transphobic and disability related bullying. The NASUWT has supported the work of the ABA since its inception and we have previously co-produced guidance materials for schools. I look forward to continuing supporting this vital anti bullying work, and helping to steer ABA's strategic development and policy work, that focuses on children and young people's safety and wellbeing.