Rating description:
- Fully met: All school staff receive regular updates about available anti-bullying resources and new developments
- Partially met: Some school staff receive regular updates about available anti-bullying resources and new developments
- Not yet met: School staff do not have access to resources and new developments in anti-bullying pracitce
- This could be done via the ABA Free School and College Network which sends out termly emails about new resources/developments in anti-bullying practice
- Could you have a section in a school staff bulletin?
- Watch out for ABA's Twitter account which posts various news relating to bullying and wellbeing.
- Become a member of the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Schools who took part in our previous programme said:
All helpful resources were shared on the teacher drive under curriculum and PSHE. (The school) will monitor these and keep them up to date. Including these in the termly update next year.
The safeguarding policy is updated on at least a yearly basis but any major changes will also be put into the safeguarding policy. We have safeguarding training every Wednesday with reminders on how to report and when to report.
The 'Upstanders' initiative was shared with all staff during a best practice session with all teaching staff.
Through research we recognised that high quality CPD for teachers has a significant effect on pupil’s learning outcomes. CPD programmes have the potential to close the gap. Evidence suggest that quality CPD has a greater effect on pupil attainment that other interventions school may consider.
It is important that the sharing of information and training is ongoing and it is inclusive of all staff.
In this video Coundon Court, a Gold United Against Bullying School, talk about upskilling staff on dealing with peer-on-peer abuse.