Rating description:
- Fully met: Data collection includes option of recording type of bullying (e.g. physical, online, verbal, manipulation, rumour spreading etc) and any trends in groups of pupils targeted (e.g. bullying of disabled children and those with SEN, race and faith minority group, young carers, looked after children and other targets for bullying such as appearance related, LGBT or those perceived to be LGBT etc)
- Partially met: Data collection includes option of recording some types of bullying and/or some trends in groups of pupils targeted
- Not yet met: Data collection does not include the option of recording types of bullying and/or trends in groups targeted
- Recording bullying is very important for a number of reasons:
- Especially in secondary schools where pupils will see multiple teachers during the day, it helps to get a clearer picture of what incidents are going on across the school and to understand patterns of behaviour
- It evidences your schools' actions and will help to keep children safe
- It helps you to learn and review anti-bullying practice as a whole-school
- When recording incidents it is important to note:
- Time and dates of incidents
- Individuals involved (ideally within the framing of roles involved - see what is bullying? free CPD online module)
- Type of bullying e.g. physical, verbal, rumour spreading, online, etc. - you can find out more about online bullying here.
- Whether or not it is a safeguarding issue
- Where bullying has happened
- What has happened
- How the target/s have been affected (evidence if any injuries)
- Witnesses to the bullying
- If they were being targeted because of their disability, race, faith, gender, for example.
- Action taken and led by
- What does the target want to happen?
- How effective action taken has been
- Who knows? Have parents been informed?
- Follow-up dates and responsibilities
- It may also be appropriate for parents to keep a bullying incident log as well. Contact have produced one you can use (also attached below).
Resources and examples:
You can see tools and case studies in the attachments section below.
Schools who took part in our programmes said:
The SEBCO and SENCO work together to create an impact analysis, showing the actions that have been put into place for individuals/ groups with repeated incidents and the impact this has had. This is shared with governors.
CPOMS allows us to record all types of bullying and NGM analyses this data along with general behaviour data at the end of each half term.
The data is collected in at the end of every term by the office manager and analysed by the SLT for trends/patterns, and if any are found then actions are put into place.