Rating description:
- Fully met: The policy is available in school and on the school website. It is communicated via numerous means (e.g. email/ newsletters/ parent evenings) to pupils, staff and parents at least annually.
- Partially met: The policy is available but not on both the school website and in school and / or it is not communicated via various means to pupils, staff and parents annually.
- Not yet met: The policy is not openly available to the school community and is not communicated.
- Get creative over how to share your anti-bullying policy. A paper policy is a good start but how about visual displays or pupil made films to emphasise different areas of the policy.
- Utilise Anti-Bullying Week to refresh and share the policy amongst the whole school community
- Is your policy shared with new school staff on induction?
- Does your school policy extend to after school clubs etc? Have you shared it with them?
- Can you distribute your policy via assemblies, parent meetings, parent evenings, Anti-Bullying Week events, when children first start at school etc
Resources and examples:
You can see tools and case studies in the attachments section below.
Schools who took part in our programmes said:
The policy is available in school and in the pupil organiser. It is reviewed by staff, school council and governors annually and is shared with parents annually. Website has information on the behaviour policy, Anti-bullying and ABA information.
The whole school and child friendly policies are displayed on the school website for parents and pupils to access. They are reminded during Anti-bullying weeks where these policies can be found. The child friendly policy is displayed in every classroom.